giovedì, 23 luglio 2009

My Work: Maghreb Still Life

Ancient cameras (Marrakech)-Photo © Tewfic El-Sawy-All Rights Reserved

Water gourd (Ouarzazate)-Photo © Tewfic El-Sawy-All Rights Reserved

Allah (Ouarzazate)-Photo © Tewfic El-Sawy-All Rights Reserved

Shelf & Door(Marrakech)-Photo © Tewfic El-Sawy-All Rights Reserved

Door (Essaouira)-Photo © Tewfic El-Sawy -All Rights Reserved

Here's a collection of photographs made in the medinas of Marrakech, Essaouira and Ouarzazate, during my Gnawa Festival Photo~Expedition last month. Some of the old cameras are the very popular Kodak 55X Instamatic; one of which I still have in perfect working order!

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